BBC Post Production
Challenge: The BBC had excellent post-production facilities. But they weren’t being used by enough independent production companies as they could be. How can we help change that?
Solution: Research threw up three main reasons independents weren’t connecting: Some saw the BBC as old and fusty. Others were afraid they’d get lost in the massive expanse of Television Center. Many didn’t know the local area around Broadcasting House. And the rest simply felt that as third parties they wouldn’t be made welcome. So we created DM to address all four issues. We called it “Your Guide to Television Center”.
Our aim was to get people feeling familiar with Broadcasting House and the local area around it before they’d even been there. It took the form of pivoting cards that offered a layered map of Television Center floor by floor on one side. And images of the local area on the other. We gave it a bright, colorful modern feel. And finally, we put a large “Welcome” mat on the front. As though we were already greeting them warmly - as they walked in the door.